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Stay Ahead of Your Usage with Usage Notifications

ClearlyIP’s Tips and Tricks


Did you know Clearly Trunking allows you to stay ahead of your usage with Usage Notifications which can be set on each individual location.

With Clearly IP SIP Trunking you can have different types of call paths.

  • Call Path Subscriptions – Each Unlimited Domestic Call path assumes a normal business usage of 3000 minutes per call path. For example if you buy 10 Call of these the system would assume a soft cap of 30,000 minutes of domestic calling each month.
  • Metered Per Minute – Pay per minute for each inbound and outbound call you make at a per minute charge.
  • International Per Minute – Pay per minute for all outbound international calling at the defined rate deck for for each country and type of number you are calling such as Mobile versus landline.
  • Fax Call Paths – Used for sending and receiving faxes and sold in Low and High Volume options that are bundled with a set of minutes to be used for faxing each month.

For each of the activated call paths on your Location above you can set a % of usage threshold, such as 75% on International and define 1 or more email addresses for us to send a notification to when this threshold is met and how often to send the notification such as every 12 hours, every hour or once a day.


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usage notifications