alyssa's law

Alyssa’s Law

Alyssa’s Law is legislation to improve the response time of law enforcement during emergencies in public schools. It mandates that all public elementary and secondary school buildings be equipped with silent panic alarms that directly notify law enforcement.



Why is it Called Alyssa’s Law?

Alyssa Alhadeff was a 14-year-old student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in Parkland Florida. She was a victim on February 14, 2018, when a former student killed 17 people in a mass school shooting.

Alyssa’s mother, Lori Alhadeff founded a nonprofit organization, Make Our Schools Safe, which is aimed at providing safety features tailored to the specific needs of schools. With her help, the legislation was expedited in the wake of the tragedy and the final version of the law was named in Alyssa’s memory.

Alyssa Alhadeff

Alyssa’s Law Requirements

While the exact wording can vary from state to state, the foundation of Alyssa’s law requires all public elementary and secondary school buildings to be equipped with a silent panic alarm connected to local law enforcement.


Which States Have Adopted the Law?


Passed in the Following States:

  • New Jersey (February 6, 2019)

    Governor Murphy Signs “Alyssa’s Law” (A764)

  • Florida (June 30, 2020)

    Alert Systems in Public Schools (CS/CS/SB 70)

  • New York (June 23, 2022)

    Authorizes school boards to include information regarding the installation of a panic alarm system in any school in the district in the district-wide safety plan (Senate Bill S7132A)

  • Texas (May 5, 2023)

    A Bill to be Entitled an Act (HB204, HB669, SB838)

  • Tennessee (May 10, 2023)

    Education – As enacted, revises various provisions of present law relative to safety in elementary and secondary education and the Schools Against Violence in Education Act. (HB0322, SB0274)

  • Utah (April 10, 2024)

    Governor Cox signs school panic alarm legislation, Utah becomes sixth state to pass law. (H.B. 84, HB HB0084S05, HB-SUB-5 Summary)

Pending in the Following States:

  • Nebraska

    Alyssa’s Law was introduced by Senator Tony Vargas of Omaha (LB1156).

  • Arizona

    Alyssa’s Law was introduced by Representatives Hernandez D. Chavez of Espinoza and Hernandez A. Payne of Sierra. (HB2803), (HB2638)

  • Virginia

    Alyssa’s Law was introduced by Representative Timothy V. Anderson. (HB1125), (HB1046)

  • Oregon

    Alyssa’s Law was introduced by Representative Emerson Levy. (HB3101)

  • Georgia

    In progress in the state of Georgia. (SB32)

  • Michigan

    In progress in the state of Michigan. (AB 4241), (AB 4242)

  • Massachusetts

    A bill was scheduled for a joint hearing September 2023. (Bill H.3881)

  • Pennsylvania

    Being introduced by Senator Art Haywood and Sen. Tracy Pennycuick 2023-2024. (Details)

  • Oklahoma

    In progress in the state of Oklahoma. (SB 1357)

  • Alabama

    In progress in the state of Alabama. (Learn More)

The Following Bills Have Been Introduced at the Federal Level:


Introduced: 10/04/2019
Sponsor: Rep. Josh Gottheimer

School Violence Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2019

Introduced: 07/10/2019
Sponsor: Rep. Roger Williams

Safer Schools Act of 2021

Introduced: 04/21/2021
Sponsor: Rep. Roger Williams


Introduced: 06/01/2021
Sponsor: Rep. Josh Gottheimer


Safer Schools Act of 2023

Introduced: 05/23/2023
Sponsor: Rep. Roger Williams


Introduced: 07/27/2023
Sponsor: Rep. Josh Gottheimer

SOS Act of 2023

Introduced: 07/27/2023
Sponsor: Rep. Josh Gottheimer



Alyssa’s Law Compliant Solutions

Panic Button Alyssa's Law

A single button that instantly dials multiple programmed numbers and plays a pre-recorded message to the recipients. The phone then goes into a broadcast-only mode, allowing the people on the receiving end to note the location of the call, and hear what is transpiring in the room. The Panic Button™ is available in two different options, the standard method is a designated button on the phone itself. The other option is an add-on USB button that connects to the phone.

Learn More