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Year In Review

A Year in Review, from our CEO, Tony Lewis

Tony Lewis

Thanksgiving has just passed and it inspires me to reflect on the year.

This year has been another exciting ride for everyone. With the ongoing pandemic not showing signs of relenting but everyone uniting to fight it from taking over our lives, I can say that I’ve seen more acts of kindness and support than ever before. I’m proud to lead a team that supports one another, even from a distance.

Last year I said that if I had to describe 2020 in one word it would be, “perseverance”. If I had to do the same thing for 2021, I would have to choose “improvement”. I could have chosen the word growth, but I think we have improved even more while we have expanded. We have been recognized as one of the top VoIP Providers in 2021, and that says a lot about our young company. It means that we’re doing something right with our clients, and the partners we are so grateful to for trusting us with their business.

2021 seems like it went by in a blink! Suddenly it’s Winter, maybe it’s not officially “Winter” until December 21st, but we’re close, and we’ve already had snow here in Wisconsin. Christmas music is on the radio and we’re already planning for 2022. Let’s take a look back at the improvements that 2021 fostered for ClearlyIP, and give you a glimpse at what’s coming in the new year.


I will work my way backward starting with another exciting acquisition of Ontario-based company, Ebiz Media voice customers. This recent customer-based purchase is in line with our defined path of growth and market expansion. Growing our business by acquisition, in parallel with organic growth, offers a number of advantages. While the advantages of a ‘big leap’ with an acquisition are apparent, the promise of acquisition as a tool for sustainable growth and value enhancement offers an immediate promise of new revenues and profit. ClearlyIP’s acquisition strategy is a way to gain size and reinforce cash flow and add significantly to its value offering in many ways that complement and enhance the core growth strategy.


ClearlyIP was named one of the Top 10 VoIP Providers of 2021 in Telecom Tech Outlooks annual published list of best in telecom. When we started ClearlyIP, our goal was to provide the absolute best service to our clients and partners. This award lets us know that we’re doing the right things and going in the right direction.

The recognition aligns with our overall expansive portfolio of voice over internet protocol (VoIP) solutions. And our newest platform, Clearly Cloud, launched this year. Clearly Cloud, is a cloud-based suite of voice communication services for businesses of all sizes. A feature-rich, telephony unified communications as a service (UCaaS) platform, offering intuitive use with endless features and benefits. Some unique offerings with Cleary Cloud that set it apart from the rest are that it supports multi-tenant deployments and is priced on a sliding scale, which means that when a business increases and expands, the pricing goes down on extensions to support organizational growth. Our comprehensive call panel within Clearly Cloud provides ease of collaboration with video conferencing and screen sharing features. This award recognizes our engineerings department’s’s hard work to provide high-quality services tailored to fit each client.


We released the second generation of our best-in-class IP desk phones in September. We added a Dual Core Processor chip with one core dedicated to sound, allowing the other core processor to handle everything else. This had two results; the first is that it enabled already great voice clarity to become even better with a dedicated core running a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) dedicated just for voice. The second was that since all of the voice is handled on a separate core, the other phone functions also became faster, resulting in faster menu changes and faster screen refreshes with their own dedicated core on the processor.

The new ClearlyIP CIP v2 Desk Phones work seamlessly with the first generation of CIP Desk Phones, so there is no need for customers to replace their v1 CIP Phones. The phones retain the ability to be branded by end-users and resellers. Pricing remains the same on the new models. Except for the change to internal components, the overall look, design, and functionality have not changed. ClearlyIP phones can be easily provisioned, free of charge, using the ClearlyIP Device Manager software or the Clearly Device module for FreePBX® based systems.

ClearlyIP released its first generation of ClearlyIP CIP Desk Phones in 2019. Now more than ever, ClearlyIP will strive to offer our Partners the most affordable, accessible, and rebrandable IP desk phones in the marketplace. Phones that will offer best-in-class technology and will continue to evolve as technology trends mandate.


Our mission is always to improve or advance how our Partners manage their businesses. This year, we introduced our new Cloud Device Manager (CDM) cloud-based provisioning tool. It is a faster approach to endpoint provisioning and management. So partners and administrators can provision communication devices securely with a cloud-based provisioning tool. A tool that offers connectivity and compatibility to nearly any device with universal compatibility.

The Cloud Device Manager platform allows Telecom Administrators to automate, control, and secure administrative policies on devices such as desk phones, ATAs, and many other devices connected to an organization’s network. CDM is secure, platform-agnostic, fast, and customizable. All that and the ability to handle multi-tenant deployments make CDM a clear choice for any reseller.

Cloud Device Manager lets you remotely manage multiple devices from a single interface anywhere in the world. This is the kind of change we have the ambition to lead.