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Cloud Device Manager

Cloud Device Manager (CDM)

ClearlyIP’s Tips and Tricks


Cloud Device Manager is a tool worth adding if you have multiple FreePBX® deployments with different phones from different manufacturers.

CDM is a single-point provisioning tool that improves overall time and customization versus manual provisioning, reducing inefficiencies and errors. CDM won’t save you much time when you’re just provisioning a single phone; however, when you are regularly provisioning deployments, it will save you HOURS!

The power of CDM really shines when administrators no longer need to know all of the various GUIs from different manufacturers; CDM offers a single interface. You might already be familiar with multiple GUIs. However, every person you add to your team no longer has to learn different platforms, saving time and money by only needing to learn a single program.

One GUI to rule them all! CDM is built around an intuitive utility tool that takes you through multiple wizards.


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