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A Letter from our CEO, Tony Lewis

Tony Lewis

Last New Year’s Eve, I posted a music video on social media and tagged some of my fellow executives. We were all so excited about making significant changes and new beginnings in 2020. The song was “This is the Year” from Yarn. It talks about letting go of past hardships and pain, starting all over again, new beginnings, and coming out winning, all good stuff. With our acquisition of Modulis in December 2019, we anticipated ‘coming out swinging’ into 2020. Who knew 2020 would be throwing its own punches?

But here we are at the end of 2020, and what an eventful year it has been for our team, partners, customers, and family/friends alike. If I had to define 2020 in one word, it would be “perseverance.” I am grateful for the exceptional ClearlyIP team that has endured all the blows that 2020 has thrown, enabling us to “keep swinging” and emerge as winners this year.

Why do we consider we “won” 2020?

Continued Growth in 2020: We have had accelerated growth both organically and with mergers & acquisitions, despite the challenges in a year when many companies are going ‘down for the count.’ I regard this year as nothing but a continuous strive for greatness and sustained superior performance against many hardships and pain. Many of our front-line customer-facing teams are new to ClearlyIP. Despite the challenges and changes, they have shown nothing but kindness, patience and are there both professionally and personally for each other and our customers. I have experienced service acts that go above and beyond what is required, and honestly believe these times have brought out the best in all of us and are a significant factor in our growth.

Owning and Learning From our Mistakes: One of our goals at ClearlyIP is to be fully transparent to our customers and partners, and if we make mistakes, we own them and make sure we never make the same mistake twice. I believe we have made significant progress towards this goal in the last 12 months. Our executive team proactively gets on conference calls (and many video calls, thanks 2020) to catch up or listen to partner and customer concerns and feedback and then follow up with action! I hope we can continue to grow in this area in 2021, and we will continue to hear from and listen and learn when things are fantastic and when things get a bit challenging.

Continued Innovation: . This year has been full of innovation with the launch of several new products and feature enhancements and growth as a company. Our team collaboration has been defining what constitutes greatness within an organization and has enabled growth that I could not have anticipated a year ago. We didn’t merely slap a ‘work-from-home’’ stamp on existing products and call it a day. Our team continued to develop new products and real solutions through 2020. Highlights include:

  • An extensive expansion of our Trunking Service and features that go along with it
  • Re-Launch of Business Connect for Partners and Agent Customers
  • Clearly Anywhere Mobile Softphone for iOS and Android
  • Platform Launch
  • CodeX Product Launch
  • Merging of Modulis and ClearlyIP
  • Telrad Acquisition in July
  • Expansion of our PBX Appliance Line
  • Creation of Silent Intercom and Panic Button Hardware
  • Certified Partnerships with additional PBX Developers for Integration of our VoIP Services

Most Importantly, Our Partners and Customers are Succeeding: Without you, we would not be here! We are in it together – we should continue to remember that we are all in these challenging times, learning, adapting, changing, and evolving. We have been privileged to work with thousands of organizations, striving to make it through 2020 and come out of it as winners. I cannot thank you enough for your continued support and patronage. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Successful 2021. Thanks for the memories, 2020! Let’s all ‘come out swinging’ in 2021!