Clearly Cloud CRM Integration

Elevate Caller Experience and Drive Success with CRM Integration in Clearly Cloud

Integrating your CRM software with Clearly Cloud can enhance the caller experience by providing personalized interactions that leverage customer information to streamline data management, prioritize essential clients, and build stronger customer relationships, turning every call into an opportunity to drive business success.

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CRM Integration


Immediate Customer Insights Upon Answering a Call

Customer Service and Support Team with CRM

Significantly streamline communication between sales and customer service teams by automating data flow and ensuring real-time updates. This integration allows sales teams to seamlessly pass customer information and interactions to the service teams, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors. With synchronized data, both teams can access up-to-date customer records, enabling faster response times and more personalized service.

Clearly Cloud instantly pushes call history and caller information simultaneously to your CRM and Call Panel, allowing Click to Call from your CRM and displaying call popups within your CRM on inbound calls. Automated workflows can trigger alerts and follow-ups, ensuring no customer inquiry or sales opportunity falls through the cracks, ultimately enhancing overall customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.




Supported CRMS


ZOHO PhoneBridge
Zapier Workflows CRM
Generic Webhook integration



How it Works

The CRM integration with Clearly Cloud using Spoke works by seamlessly connecting your communication systems with your customer management platform. When a call is initiated or received, Spoke automatically captures and syncs call history and caller information across both your CRM and Clearly Cloud’s Call Panel. This integration facilitates Click to Call functionality directly from your CRM, and real-time call popups within the CRM interface for inbound calls. As a result, sales and customer service teams can immediately access and update customer information, ensuring every interaction is logged accurately and efficiently. This automated process reduces the need for manual data entry, minimizes errors, and significantly enhances team productivity and customer responsiveness.

CRM Integration